Sunday, July 24, 2005

Investigation Zero is almost here (sorry, can't be more specific), and this weekend we had a meeting in Madison for everybody who is going. This is really exciting for me because we are collaborating with a published ghost hunter and others with years of investigating experience. The demonologist from TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) knows about this investigation and says if we find anything, TAPS may fly down and film an episode of "Ghost Hunters" in Wisconsin!

If we find anything there, the owner (our client) said he may allow us to post about it on our website, but for now everything has to stay confidential.

This is going to be a 2-nighter, with 17 investigators (split up into three groups, and communicating by walkie-talkie), EMTs, and tech people to monitor the live video. Everybody is there for a reason; there will be no observers as they tend to muddle things.

I assigned each group a leader, and we will follow that leader's methods. The second night, we're going to rotate so we can observe different investigators' ghost hunting methods.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Cemetery Investigation (Kurt's Entry)

July 2nd, our group did an investigation of a local cemetery. The town is very strict about people being in it after dark, so we had to do a daytime investigation.
The cemetery is small and very secluded, with one road going in and out of it. This cemetery was quite possibly the quintessential "spooky" cemetery, set back away from the town and overgrown with tall grass and old broken gravestones. The members of our group were the only people present in the cemetery at the time of the investigation.
Everyone in the group fanned out around the cemetery, looking at gravestones, taking pictures, and recording for possible EVPs.
Even though I took about 100 pictures, nothing out of the ordinary appeared on any of them. Not even an orb. But I think the fact that this was a daytime investigation probably lessened our chances of getting anything out of the ordinary in a photo.
There was one corner of the cemetery that I found myself being constantly drawn to. At the time, I assumed that was because it was quiet and in the shade. Towards the end of our time there, I moved my stationary recorder to the area and set it down. I met another group member walking towards me, and we walked away. Upon listening to this recorder the next day, I found this on it:

It appears to be a young-sounding voice saying something. Some people hear "Renee", while others hear "oh no". I was standing down the path from the recorder, and if anyone would have been near the recorder when I got this, I would have seen them. Plus, with one road in and out of the cemetery, they would have been easy to spot. The only possible explanation for this that I could think of is that it's a buzzing insect near the recorder. I personally think it sounds too much like a voice to be an insect.
On my journal recorder (which I was carrying around during the investigation), I found this:

I was walking past two (or possibly three) group members talking, and in the middle of this clip, you can hear what sounds like a child's voice say "yeah". It almost sounds like they are responding to something that someone said. I can't recognize this voice as being anyone's in the group because it's so young-sounding, like a child's voice.
Based on these findings, I think that further investigations at this cemetery would be useful.