Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Monday, October 24, 2005

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Scariest Places on Earth (Katie's opinion ONLY)

Well the air date has come and gone, so now we can mention JFK Prep's somewhat-starring role on the 10/23 episode of "Scariest Places on Earth". For those of you unfamiliar with this high-brow program, it consists of putting the world's dumbest people in spooky settings such as Dracula's castle for an overnight stay with what is probably production assistants doing things in the dark to scare them silly. Then we as viewers get to stare at them up their nostril-cam (and hope they keep their noses clean) as they cry, scream, jump, yell, pray and generally make fools of themselves over pretty much nothing.

Ok, that being said, the segment featuring JFK Prep was shortchanged as Prep actually DOES have an interesting history and really DOES have "something" going on there. So why spend just seven short minutes at Prep and yet spend almost fifteen minutes having production assistants in black clothing chase teenagers around an empty amusement park? Was the girl locked screaming inside the old concession stand with HUGE GLASSLESS WINDOWS SHE COULD JUST CRAWL THROUGH really all that scary?

But kudos go to our investigative buddy Barry who was well-versed in JFK Prep lore and definitely had us on the edge of our seats. She was our featured interviewee and was well-spoken and obviously the producers realized that. A lot of this lore was not known to me, as I didn't do the research on this one. Did those nuns do THAT? They dumped WHAT babies in the pond? We also know Tracy V. who was interviewed and whom we KNOW has been there, but who in heck were those people on the street in Milwaukee? I assume that they were friends of some of our fellow investigators from SEWPR, maybe?
And why did the producers keep insinuating that St. Nazianz was somehow a suburb of Milwaukee?

Also, Jason and Erica from Southeastern Wisconsin Paranormal Research (SEWPR), who followed Father Dan around while he did the exorcising, hung in there with their candles. Jason looked a little uncertain and Erica looked relieved, but you guys are real troupers! :)

And as always, Linda Godfrey and Richard Hendricks showed that they know their stuff about Wisconsin lore. If you get a chance to see either of them at an Unexplained Conference, go do it. They are fun and you'll learn a lot.

Anyway, that's all I'll say about that. Technically this is an INVESTIGATION blog so I think we should try to keep it that way. But I did have to mention this program, as some of us participated in it. Also, I just want to remind readers that YOU SHOULD NOT GO THERE WITHOUT PERMISSION. If you are caught on the grounds without a written pass (and that may not help anyway), you will be charged with BREAKING AND ENTERING, fined $5000.00 and serve jail time. However, if you really want to visit the place, contact Jason Beno(as I mentioned a couple of entries ago) and get on a list to be included in a paranormal tour of the place when the next one is scheduled.

Getting back to our followup investigation (well after the production crew left), this time, we didn't have near as many people. We broke up into groups of 3-4 and split up over the campus to try to recreate some of what we had experienced. Hubby Keith, buddy Jody and I worked together for awhile, trying to recreate the footage of the knocking in the old library building. While we were actually there, not much happened--I got one knock right behind me but that was about it. So we decided to leave the camera alone for awhile and go down to the church and see if we could get any EVPs there.

I had brought a CD player along to introduce music in the church and see if that would get a reaction, but it refused to work (I admit, it was already temperamental before we left home). So instead, I thought I would just sing in the church to see what happens.

Anyway, the first thing I sang was "Ave Maria" by Schubert. Hey, I sang it for my niece's wedding years ago and I still remember it! Anyway, after I finish singing it,
this is what is heard. What is it saying? I'm not quite sure and there are people debating it.

To complicate things further, what follows is a reversed version. I don't recommend speech reversal as a valid form of investigation, but it is sometimes very interesting! Here is a slowed-down, reversed version. I also did filter it a bit to make it clearer.

I don't know what you hear, but in the reversed version, I hear "simply want to say to the Lord." Now taking into account that I was singing a hymn and we were in an old desanctified church, this is intriguing.

A few moments later, I decided to try a Christmas carol (having run out of memorized hymns) and another interesting thing happened. Part way through it, you can hear what appears to be some sort of stringed instrument being plucked a couple of times. Listen for yourself. Sorry if you don't like my singing, but listen closely after I say "did you like that?" Do you hear a response in the echo? I'm not sure if I do.

Later on, we went over to the 4th floor in the old dorms, where the most activity seems to happen. I don't know if it was just because there was only three of us (usually we go up there with at least six) or if I was just a nervous nelly. But the atmosphere up there seemed even more dense and depressing than normal. It was also absolutely pitch black and with the dust that is always floating around up there, it really seemed to close in around me. Keith and Jody decided to walk a few feet down the hall while I sat on the top step resting my back. While I was sitting there, this voice was recorded.

So maybe they were close to me as I feared.

Anyway, regarding the Christmas carol, something kind of odd happened to our investigator Kurt later on, but I'll let him post about it.

BTW, when we went through the video caught by the camcorder when it was left alone in the library, you guessed it, the knockings and poundings were going on throughout the video. I guess whatever is doing it is shy when the living are around.

As always, everything above is my opinion only and worth about what you pay for it.
